Friday, April 5, 2013

E is for EVENT

Today was a big day for me - a day I had been looking forward to for weeks. My friend Ana and I had been planning a surprise baby shower for a mutual friend, Julissa, and today was the day, hence the E word, EVENT!

We enlisted her husband to take part in the deception, and he did great - he got her to the party right on time, and oh boy was she ever surprised! It was just like on TV... we all hid, then jumped out and yelled, "Surprise!" Classic. We ate yummy food, played fun games that Ana planned (guess the chocolate bar in the diaper, guess the baby food, and guess how big Julissa's tummy is) and then opened presents.

We used some of my quilts instead of tablecloths which gave it a cozier feeling and made it a little different from the norm. Ana and I both wanted to use what we had to keep costs down, and we did the whole thing rather cheaply!  It was a fantastic night - thank you to all our friends that came, and for keeping it a secret the last couple of weeks!

Now for the photo overload...

Picking up balloons...Julissa doesn't know what she's having so the theme colors were green, yellow and lavender...

Candy/chocolate table...

Waiting for Julissa to arrive...

Oh yes, we got tears!  Her expression made everything worth it!

 "How did you do this?"

"Did YOU know?!"

One of Julissa's girls curled up on a quilt and slept through the whole thing!


 One of my favorite families ever!

A shot of our cute shoes!

Oh no,,, Julissa had a cupcake disaster in the parking lot on the way out!


  1. That's so sweet of you'll to throw a Surprise party for her. looking at the wonderful photos I must say the EVENT was a huge Hit!!

  2. What a wonderful event, everything looked so lovely. I love the color combo. So lucky to have all those quilts.311

  3. What a load of photos! I was expecting as many as I took at a quilt fair in Canada but no - you are obviously more intersted in cakes!
    Here fram A-Z bllog and I see you have one of those captchas. AAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHH they asked us to get rid of those!

  4. what a fun looking event! what in the world was the diaper thing all about? lol
    Your friend looked very touched and surprised. how fun
