Saturday, April 6, 2013

F is for FLANNEL

Today I met with a sewing circle at the local library. It's a small group of us, but there is an abundance of talent in that room each month!

I took a few photos of projects that were brought a long for show 'n' tell, including some pieces made from flannel.

Here are the flannel pieces made by our fearless sewing circle founder, Brenda (website found HERE)

These next pieces are also made by Brenda but are made from wool, not flannel. I am completely in love with the little apple core piece with the embroidery frame. You'd think it was quite big, but if you spread your hand out, that's about how big it is. Just adorable!

Brenda's sister, Sandy (blog HERE) was visiting from Texas and had the cutest basket quilt to show...
Love those baskets! Since I didn't have anything to work on while we chatted, she quickly put me to work on needleturning some baskets for her. She needs to do 300 of these! Make that 298 since I did these 2 for her...

One of my favorite things I saw at the group today were these scissors belonging to Sandy with their adorable scissor fobs attached (another thing for 'F' day!)

They are so teeny - only way to make them would be paper piecing. I love that they are in a little soldered frame.

It's a beautiful day outside - I hope your Saturday is as glorious as ours wherever you may be!

You should also head over to my hubby's blog HERE where he is also doing the A-Z challenge. Today he is blogging about Family, so you can meet us all over there and hear a little about how we met!


  1. What a delightful post. I love that apple core quilt too! All of them are neat. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Flannel inevitably makes me think of flannel nightgowns - old fashioned and warm and difficult for an ardent young husband to =negotiate!

  3. Love the first piece with the birds. Very prim/folk art style.
