Thursday, April 18, 2013


If you're a quilter, chances are that sometime in your quilting life you've used a pattern. Books have patterns, magazines have patterns, there are patterns with tutorials on line, and of course there are always individual patterns you can buy.

The last few years I've only really made quilts that I made up patterns for, and this year have taken the leap into publishing my own patterns! Hold on now, I don't have anything ready yet but it's all in the works. I quit my part-time job last year, with the support of my patient husband, so I could concentrate on it, and I was doing great until I started on the school yearbook I'm putting together, which has sucked up all of my pattern-making time.  With a yearbook submission deadline of this Monday, I'm looking forward to having more time to get back to my patterns. I have thoroughly enjoyed putting together the yearbook though, and I can't wait to see the finished product. The funny thing is that all the skills I had learned for pattern making have been transferable to yearbook publishing. Who'd-a-thunk-it?!

Never again will I decry the cost of a pattern. Hours upon hours of work go into each one. Especially if they include applique. Not only do you need to write the pattern instructions, but you need to use drawing software (I'm using Adobe Illustrator) and a pen and tablet to draw the designs. The learning curve is HUGE! But I'm finally getting the hang of it and what was once seemingly impossible is actually looking possible. Getting smooth curves and joining things up - wowser so difficult!

So next time you want to complain about how much a pattern costs, (I understand, I've been there!) just remember all the work that went into it - something that looks very simple is actually incredibly hard and the designer earned every cent! If you still don't want to pay $$ for patterns, design your own! If it's just for your own use, you don't need any fancy equipment or programs. A pencil and paper is all you need!


  1. What kind of pen and tablet are you using? I'd like to draw my own patterns and make them look more "professional".
