Friday, April 19, 2013

Q is for QUILTS

Really, out of the almost 2000 people doing the A-Z challenge this month, I must have it the easiest on Q day! Unfortunately (or fortunately!) for you, I'm still crazy busy doing our school's yearbook with the impending deadline, so I can't so as in depth of a post as I'd like to.

How about I just go in my living room and photograph the quilts I see - sight unseen, everything untouched, no matter how messy it may be. I've been in the kitchen all afternoon and evening at my laptop doing the yearbook, and the kids have been in the living room doing who knows what?!  OK I'll go take some photos and be right back...crossing fingers...

Well, things were not nearly as bad as I thought they would have been! I guess when you ignore your children all day to meet a deadline, and they are left to entertain themselves, they end up staying in one place playing Minecraft and don't touch anything! Not too shabby! Dear daughter has dumped her school things on the loveseat, but hey if that's the worst they could do today, I'll take it!

Here is a 360 degree tour...

Now I do have a horrid secret...see this lovely quilt draped over the chair? Does it look a little bumpy under that quilt?

Maybe this is why...

Wow what on earth is all that? Remember when I cleaned out the bookcase last week HERE? This would be the remnants of that cleaning which due to the yearbook deadline just hasn't been dealt with! I got sick of looking at it so I threw a quilt over it. See? Quilts aren't just for keeping you warm or looking pretty - they have other practical uses as well!


  1. Quilts and crafts can hide a multitude of sins!!! You do beautiful work.

  2. Wow I'd better make myself a quilt then to hide all my clutter...!

    Just popping by for the A to Z Challenge :)

    Naomi @ Cornet Crafts

  3. Those are stunning!

    I tried to make a quilt once, but sadly I just didn't have the concentration span.

    Maybe I should try it again one day...

    My Writing Blog
    My Life Blog

  4. Pretty cool living room - love how you have quilting everywhere. Hope the yearbook goes smoothly for you.
