Sunday, April 21, 2013


Sorry I didn't do my 'R' post yesterday - I was out late watching my neighbor sing with her band! However, I'm catching up today with both my 'R' post and my 'S' post. They kind of go together, so read this one first, then the 'S' one. Trust me!

It was a beautiful spring day today, so after church we headed to a park with quilts to relax, lie down, read my favorite magazine, and enjoy the sun...

All of a sudden... (go read my 'S' post now!)

1 comment:

  1. I read S first!
    Shocking, and lots of thinking has been done since I read that!
    I always use seatbelt, but ther´s far too many who doesn´t!
    I must say, I just love your quilts!!!
    They are so nice!!!
