Sunday, April 21, 2013


...Did you just read my 'R' post? This is what happened in the parking lot next to us while I was lying on my quilt reading my favorite magazine today...

Yes I was the first on the scene. Yes it was scary. Yes a lady passenger was hurt, bleeding, in shock and pinned in the car. Yes the young man driving his friend's truck was speeding. Yes I saw it happen. Yes I was a police witness. Yes I cried as I comforted the lady's husband who was covered in his wife's blood while they used the jaws of life to remove her. Amazingly she is going to be OK. The fire department asked if they could use my photos for training purposes - I just happened to have my camera on me hoping for photo opportunities in the park. Boy did I ever get to take photos. I learned that I don't panic in an emergency - I've always wondered if I would!

It was a sober reminder to us, especially our kids, as to why we ALWAYS wear our seatbelts! They really do save lives.


  1. I am so glad you took the photos it will be very helpful. Accidents are horrible - good thing she will be OK.

  2. How good that you were calm in the storm. I heard a news report about the Boston issue, how some people ran INTO the chaos, while most were running away. They said you wouldn't know if you had this trait until called upon. I would hope I would have it, but I doubt it! Good for you for being a witness and a comfort for the fellow while his wife was being rescued.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Glad you took the pics and I was going to suggest that you offer them to the FD for training.

  5. Another "s" word; Sad! Great job!

  6. Wow...chilling pictures...but well done you for staying calm and getting have no idea what a comfort you will be to that couple as a witness to their ordeal. So many people would turn a blind eye and that's not what being human is about! Well done!
