Monday, October 20, 2008

Messy Quilt Room

A couple of weeks ago, UpstateLisa showed us her sewing area in before and after photos. She did so because she saw a challenge here at VintageChic to show the messiest room in your house and perhaps win a prize! So in the spirit of full-disclosure I show you my quilt room as it looks right now. This is looking in... and from the side looking towards my machine...And one more just because I like to torture myself with public humiliation...Now in my defense, the mess is not all mine. I had some quilting to do in here recently and I guess I just let the kids play in there while I was quilting, and well nothing has been cleaned up yet. Plus I purged things from my bedroom and bought them down here in baskets. You can see how successful I was at putting them away.

Next time you see this room, it WILL be back to normal! You can see here and here how it looked when it first became a quilt room. A sneak peek if you don't want to follow the links...
It shall look this way again! And now that I've put it out there, I have to keep my word, right?


  1. The room is something that 30 minutes will fix. That is the nice part of having a place for things - when you put everything away the room cleans up, well that and a vaccume! I love my girls to come and sew but they usually don't put my things away in their places and they sometimes leave a mess! Oh well.

  2. Nanette must clean a lot faster than I do...I get side tracked and start "playing" with the things I'm trying to clean up. Good to see that you have something to keep you busy...hehehe;)

  3. I love to see pictures of sewing spaces...yours will clean up in a's a great space!

  4. aauuuhhhh....whats a little sewing mess amongst quilter friends...right!!?

  5. messy room, busy hands, it's a good thing.

  6. I have a problem with getting side tracked when I start cleaning like karen does. It is such a great feeling though when everything is in its place. Teresa

  7. "Creative clutter is better than tidy idleness" is a motto I live by. Just means you have been creating great things. Have a great day! Em

  8. Thank you thank you thank you!!! I got organised and tidy last week, and then did some sewing, a bit of cardmaking and wala!! its back to its chaotic self again. Im so glad you posted your pictures, because now I know I'm not alone in this world!!!!

  9. Oh girl, that ain't nothing!! I am not showing mine! The last time I gave it a good cleaning I found several dried lizards!! Really! I love living lizards but the dead ones are gross.

  10. A messy room is the sign of a brilliant mind!!! At least that's my story! (and I'm sticking to it!)

  11. YOU CAN DO IT!!! Then, make it messy all over again!

  12. You KNOW I can beat your mess, LOL!

  13. I have to admit I work better when things are put away and I have nice clean spaces to work in, but its a constant battle, as I am a messy worker and have to stop and clean up after each project. Your area does not look that bad, I have seen a lot worse, including mine when I am in the midst of a project.

  14. Good Luck Jo although my Mom made a cross stitch for Howard that said something about a "messy" desk and it is buried somewhere on his desk at work! LOL
    I am not even going to show my quilt room to anyone!

  15. You are a brave girl. I agree that it would take me a lot longer to clean it up than 30 minutes. I like the lived in look. Mimi

  16. We won't even start to talk about messy. At least you can still walk across the floor!
