Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 4, Monday

Monday was a great day (OK, so they were ALL great days!). Anna wanted to show me the DC landmarks, so we threw all the kids in her monster truck and just drove all over DC. The first thing I saw was the Washington monument. Her kids were all laughing at me because in my mind, I thought the monument was about as tall as a telephone pole. Oops, was that ever a wrong assumption! I had no idea it has stairs and an elevator and that you can go up inside it! For some reason, I thought it was more like a statue. Hey I'm a foreigner - that's my excuse :)This was my first sighting of it - can you see it way in the background behind a tree?! And then driving past it - darn bus ;)

Then we drove past a bunch of other famous monuments - the Lincoln Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial (my favorite), the Capitol, WWII Memorial, Bureau of Engraving & Printing (where all our money is made!), Watergate, and even some wall/stairs that was in the movie The Exorcist....oooooo scary!Anna's kids had seen it all before, and my kids had zero interest - the tour was really just for me and I loved it! So with whining kids in the back, we went to 'The Creek' to give them a good time. It's a great place in Anna's neighborhood that is pretty much undiscovered by the locals - they always have it to themselves. I think it was my kids' favorite place of the whole trip. You can see why....

And finally, we went to this fantastic place that makes the BEST Italian Ice ever...I had peach and passionfruit flavors. So good on a hot day!

Tomorrow, fabric and.....crabs!!!


  1. Wow! It looks and sounds like you guys had a BLAST!!!!! Loved the pics.

  2. Hey there! Just wanted to let you know that you should check out my blog....I am doing a blogger get-together---so read all about it!

    Looks like you guys had so much fun---we need to take my little guy there someday.

  3. That's so funny that you thought the Washington Monument was alot smaller then it was. The creek looks refreshing and fun. The picks of your kids together are wonderful. So cool that you will have these memories forever.

  4. The creek looks like a good place to be after a stuffy day in the car!

  5. This would be my kids' favorite place too!
