Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Day 3, Sunday

Well folks, still no quilting, but stay tuned - we did go to some quilt shops, that's coming up in a couple more days....

Sunday was another lazy day for us all. The biggest plan was to make a big breakfast! When you are feeding around 14 people, that's no small feat! Anna made scrambled eggs and something else that I can't quite make out in the photo below. Care to enlighten us, Anna?!And I made Dutch Babies. Otherwise known as popeye pancakes, aka popovers, aka many other names! Delicious with syrup and powdered sugar, or fruit and get the point :)Click on that picture and make it big so you can see the Dutch Babies in all their glory - go on - I know you want to....yes they are yummy and EASY to make - so much easier than standing there flipping pancakes. Do you know how long pancakes for 14 would have taken?! Everything was delicious and I ended up making another batch of the Dutch Babies when the older boys decided to arise and grace us with their presence ;)

While the Dutch Babies were cooking, I took photos of Anna's backsplash. As well as being a talented quilter, she also paints murals, and changed her normal every-day backsplash to something amazing...

Here are some others she has in her home...

Yes she takes orders and yes I will accept a commission ;)


  1. Joanna-I'm getting hungry...gues what? I accidentally deleted your email addy-please resend to me!


  2. Wow...great pictures and many great memories being formed. Love the art work in Anna's home.

  3. The art work in Anna's home is fabulous! How cheerful and ful of life. Glad you were able to have a delightful time together.
