Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The REAL Day 1

OK OK OK so I messed up. As I knew I would. Anna emailed me saying that what I posted yesterday was actually what we did on Day 2. I missed a whole day! I had it in my head that we arrived Friday night when really we arrived Thursday night. So here comes the real day 1...

We were all excited when we arrived and stayed up late. I think the kids went to bed around 2am, and Anna and I a couple of hours later. I warned her that my boys get up at the same time every day, no matter what time they go to bed - 6.50am. Of course she didn't believe me, but sure enough, they were up on time as usual! I slept through the whole thing as Anna took care of it all. She couldn't believe they got up so early after being up so late, and neither could I! It didn't last though - we wore them out so much all week that they slept late every day after that.

I took 3 suitcases on the trip - one for my clothes, one for the kids' clothes, and one for quilts:) (I just took that photo as the suitcase is sitting on my bed, not yet unpacked. Really, who unpacks the same day they get home?!!)

So Anna and I had a quilt show-and-tell in the middle of the night once everyone was in bed and we could really enjoy it the way we should :) We have been making quilts designed by each other for years, and though the birth of digital cameras is a great help in seeing each others work, there is NOTHING like seeing them in person! So inspiring! One of my quilts was the perfect color to hang in her living room, so she pinned it up then and there, and there it stayed all week.

Friday was a relaxing getting-to-know-everone day. We ate breakfast and went to the park around the corner. Just general hanging out. The kids really enjoyed playing together at the park...

Neither of us can remember too much of what we did that day - maybe that's why I forgot it in the first place?!! Not too many photos, just the playing at the park ones.

Tomorrow I will do the third day, which was Sunday. And if I get it wrong, Anna will let me know and I'll do some editing!


  1. What a fun time! It is great to relive with photos, no matter what day it is.

  2. How fun to have a show and tell together. Looks like the kids got along great.

  3. Kids and park playgrounds...what goes together better? Looks like a good time for all;)
