Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Quilt Show purchases

2 Saturdays ago, my buddy Brenda and I went to the Nashua Quilter's Gathering. Click here to read her account of the day :)

Some people go to see the quilts on display, but oh no, not I! I go for the vendors!! The actual quilt show is an added bonus:)

I was quite restrained and spent less than $40. Don't ask Brenda what she spent - all I know is that while I was in the bathroom, she snuck off to the ATM. Shhhh I didn't tell you that.... BUT I will tell you that she went home with socks that didn't match!

Of course, I had to buy some fabric...The green buttons called my name like they were mythical sirens in the sea. I was helpless against their call and they were immediately bought and tucked in my bag:)Oh, you want to see some photos of actual quilts from the show? OK fine...here are a few of my favorites...


  1. I saw beautiful Kaffes in the fabric stash. I can't pass by any of his fabrics either, even when I commit to be very good.

  2. They are beautiful quilts, love the hog-tied! and yes those buttons would of come home with me too!

  3. Wonder what the story is about the barn quilt. I surely do like it.

  4. Thanks for sharing the photos of the quilts. Very nice fabrics and love the green buttons. I wish we could buy that much for $40 here.

  5. Beautiful quilts and I love your fabric finds!!!!

  6. You know I spent only "marginally" more than $40...on my socks, LOL! I'm so bad...

  7. You bought some great fabrics. I just bought that Kaffe on the far right of your displayed fabrics and the one two to the left from it (green). Both are for quilt backs. They are sooooooooo yummy!

  8. Love your Kaffe fabrics, and those green buttons are gorgeous! Thanks for a few quilt show pics! xo

  9. Interesting blog as for me. I'd like to read something more concerning that matter.
    By the way look at the design I've made myself A level escorts

  10. Thanks for the trip to the quilt show and I love the very long barn quilt (s). That is incredible...the others ummm Not so much? OK you know my taste and aren't surprised right?
