Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thrifty Thursday

Yes folks, I am jumping on the alliteration bandwagon with Thrifty Thursdays! And when I say Thrifty I'm talking about Thrift stores. I go at least weekly and get great bargains, so I thought I could share some of them with you, especially when they are quilting/sewing/crafting related!

This week was my youngest's 5th birthday and when asked what he wanted to do, he said, "Go to the library and then the thrift store to buy all the toys"! Really! So we did. My favorite local thrift store is called the Grey Nun's and is a hidden gem. It is in a tiny old house, and each room is a different category - children's clothes, shoes, household etc. I never come away empty handed - I love it!

So back to the birthday, while my little boy was choosing what toys he wanted, I looked in the craft drawers and hit the mother load of zippers!

This bag was $1.50...
and then I grapped 15 of these for 10 cents a piece...
So I pretty much got all of those for the price of one new zipper.

Then I saw this...
...and it was only $2 but couldn't decide if I really wanted it or not - I mean, what would I do with all that? How many thousands of feet are on that roll?! But it was only $2 - how could I leave it there? So now it is home with me, but what on earth do I do with it? I'm sure there are only so many clothes I can make my daughter with the same trim!


  1. You could have a giveaway of a few yards of it, or sell it in an etsy shop if you have one? I'll buy some from you :)

  2. This is awesome! My kids LOVE Goodwill. They hate the bedding section which is where I spend my time, but they love the toys. We get a lot of good stuff there.

    Those zippers were a STEAL!! I just bought a new zipper to replace the one in my son's jacket and was appalled at the prices!

  3. I love that trim! I am totally jealous of your thrift store! A girl and her son after my own heart. I love OP Shop shopping!!! Well done you. From that green eyed Kiwi!!

  4. I would use that to wrap presents in! YOu would never have to buy another bow or ribbon!
    you could coffee dye it to use on boys packages or just dye a bunch of it blue or brown!

  5. The trim is a great find. You could use some Dyna-flow dye to paint it various colors for different trim projects. Use it to make flower corsage pins (sew it in a spiral on a felt cirle, etc) ... all sorts of things. :-)
