Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bag started

Remember a few posts back where I showed you the bag kit I won? I decided to start making it tonight and it's coming along very nicely. I have cut out all the pieces and appliqued and quilted the front. I think it's going to be a lovely bag - I particularly like the corduroy that is the main fabric of the bag. It's meant to start snowing AGAIN here in NH tomorrow night, so I think that's the only excuse I need to stay inside and finish this bag, right?!


  1. Oh, Joanna - This is great!!! I love all the colors against the brown cordaroy!! eep warm back there!!! Kris

  2. Yes Joanna...i love it too...it lookes awesome!!...can`t wait to see the finished bag...good luck with that...
    greetings from a cold Netherlands....Francien.

  3. The motif, applique and quilting is wonderful. This is going to be a stunning bag. The effect is awesome.

  4. This is looking fabulous. Love the colors!

  5. Oh yes, I agree, it's going to be a gorgeous bag.

  6. looks great! I love those colors on the brown, who knew?

  7. I've just stumbled across your blog and have to say how much I admire you for sticking to your goals of sewing and posting every day! I'm looking forward to reading more.
