Saturday, March 12, 2011


I work in the children's organization at church and we like to give the children a little gift on their birthday. This year we have been handing out bookmarks that I have made in the colors red, yellow and blue. There is a song they children sing about the colors which explains what each color stands for. Part of it goes, "Red is for courage to do what is right, Yellow for service from morning 'till night, Blue is for truth in our thoughts and our deeds, we will be happy for this is our creed". I don't know if the message sinks in when they get their birthday bookmark, but I do know they look forward to getting them, and it's fun for me to sew and replenish the supply every few weeks like I did tonight. I can't take credit for the idea though - I first saw the idea of bookmarks as gifts for the children at church at Em's Scrapbag. Hers are just lovely and as soon as I saw them I knew I wanted to do something similar. Thanks Em!