Friday, October 21, 2011

Ironing Board

Under the cover of darkness late last night I scored myself a new ironing board. Our neighbors across the street moved out of their house yesterday and instead of taking the last of their stuff, they did the great American tradition of leaving everything on the sidewalk for anyone to take. I LOVE this about America! I never saw it until I moved to this country. I grew up spending every Saturday either at garage sales or in the auction house. And some days the family activity was going to the rubbish tip (dump) and seeing what goodies awaited us there! My parents who are approaching 80, still think a trip to the recycling store at the dump is a great activity! Yep, I realize that to some it might sound a little nasty, but as a result of living frugally, my parents have never been in debt, and that includes credit cards.

But back to my story! Here is the pile of stuff across the street as it stands about 10 minutes ago when I took a photo...

Yesterday I saw an ironing board poking out of the pile, and since my current board has ceased to move up and down, I thought one that does move up and down might be a nice change!!

Well I hit the jackpot in the ironing board lottery. This one is great!

First of all, it's HUGE! It also moves up and down so smoothly (oh the luxury! ha!) It also has a rack for hanging your 'stuff' on, and a flip up mini board for things like sleeves.

Anyone want my old one? (Which I got through Freecycle!)


  1. You scored a great ironing board. WTG! It's too bad they don't make them like they used to.

  2. You should have taken the red wingback chair for yur sewing room.... to go with your great big ironing board... I have a similar one (without the sleeve thing) and it was almost $30 so I'd say you scored big. I wish mine had that sleeve thing, it kicks butt!

  3. Wow, that is one great ironing board. Great score for you. I have never seen people leave so much stuff out on the street but that looked like a fun "shopping" adventure!

  4. You totally scored on that one! Now you'll have to make a nice cover for it!!
