In the last post I showed you the new (free!) table I got, and the lovely weather. Well now it has been raining for 2 days with more to come, so I am glad we spent time outside while we could. I spent the afternoon outside auditioning fabrics and took a lot of photos of the process so you can see how my mind works!
This will be photo-heavy, so hold on people....
First I cut out a whole bunch of baskets and handles.

Then I started with a pink handle...which basket would I choose to go with it? Most everything looks good with this pink handle...

This one is just OK for me (sounding totally like Randy on American Idol there)...

Next I tried a couple of options for this blue basket...the first you already saw above...

Now for another hard to match basket. It's a gorgeous Heather Bailey fabric, but it's been oh so hard to find a good match for it. Once again, this handle isn't a strong enough match...

I am still searching for a love match for this basket. However, I did find the match for the same fabric as a handle, which was equally hard to match. Remember the pink?

And finally for today, here are the options for the pink/grey handle. As I mentioned a couple of times above, it's hard to put this handle with a very strong fabric, so let's see it with a variety of good and bad matches...This one is OK but doesn't make me want to sing...

I hope this was helpful to someone. All I can say is try a hundred different fabrics if you have to, and when you find the right one, you will just know, and get that warm excited feeling inside! And most of all, you must pick what YOU love, not what you think others will approve of. This is a quilt-police-free-zone!