I am so excited about this year. Like everyone else I made some new year resolutions, or goals as I'd rather think of them, and one of them was to be a more faithful blogger. 5 days later here I am - oops already messed that one up! Luckily I have a whole year to make good on that goal.
So I thought I'd start my posts for the year with some goodies I have recently acquired for my quilt room...

The first thing are two tins I bought at a garage sale about 4 houses down from us. The children had put their mother into an old folks home and were selling most of her belongings. I picked up these cute tins for 50 cents each! At first I wanted them because I just love tins - probably because my Mum always stored things in tins when I was growing up - and I thought they would come in handy for quilt 'stuff'. But then I opened the small one and was met with a wonderous sight - buttons buttons and more buttons! I think 50 cents was a great deal :)

Next is a big box I bought at Homegoods on clearance for seven dollars. I have a MAJOR thing for polka dots and well, my quilt room is yellow, and the price was right, so how is a girl meant to resist? It is much bigger than it seems in the picture - about 2 feet long and a good 10 inches high.
And thirdly, we had a huge snow storm over the new year and everybody stayed home - except for me. I had my hubby home and chance to go to the store by myself without kids. Quite a big deal :) So I braved the storm and went to the
Christmas Tree Shop which is just around the corner from us (my very fav discount store!) and I was literally the ONLY person shopping. Kind of eerie but in the most fantastic way! I had the entire run of the store - and remember, no kids! So I took my time, looked at every single thing I wanted to, and came home with lots of Christmas ornaments on clearance and this beauty....

She is sitting on my sewing table, and her big brother, a floor lamp black version is in my living room. I can't tell you the difference these full spectrum lights make, especially for my handwork. Just wonderful!
Here's hoping there are plenty more bargains to come my way this year!