Off to Vermont on vacation that is. So I thought I'd sneak a post in before we leave. Of course, one must take a hand quilting project when going on vacation, and I have been saving up my Joseph's Coat project for the occasion. It has been prepped and ready to needleturn for a couple of months now, and I even sewed down a few of the 'peels' before realizing how perfect it would be to take away with us.
I kept it on my bedside table, and I can't tell you how hard it's been to leave it alone and not stitch the rest of those peels down! Hopefully I will have time to get it done while we are away. The weather is meant to be nice though, so who knows?!
In other news, today I decided to give my big Juki 98q a rest, and pulled out my darling old Singer Featherweight.
My WONDERFUL mother-in-law (yes it is possible to snag a good one!) gave it to me about 8 years ago and it's been sitting in it's little bag unused since we moved to this house 3 years ago, so I thought it was time that she saw the light of day. Best news is, she still works! Yippee! I have had people see it in the past, and not being quilters, they screw up their noses and ask things like why would I use a machine that old, and I try to explain why, but you really have to be a quilter to understand the coolness of this machine!! My son saw it and said, "Wow Mom, that looks old. But it's so cool!" So there you have it. A quilter in training.