I have been hanging out in my nice clean quilt room of late and a girl just can't help but be creative in such an environment!
My Sampler quilt still needs to be backed, basted, and quilted, but I want to make the back different than just plain Kona, so I strip-pieced all the fabrics from the front into one long piece and will add that to the backing.

I also made a new bag. I used some Anna-Maria Horner fabrics from my stash that I haven't wanted to touch, but I bit the bullet, and actually used them! After all, the more you use, the more room you have to fill with fancy new stuff, right?!! (Hope my hubby isn't reading this!)

Lastly, I took a photo of my thread drawer that I mentioned I had cleaned. Since I don't have a 'before' photo, just imagine that it looked something like this...

and now, so much better...
I LOVE that sampler quilt! Fabulous choice of fabrics.
Ahhh, now I can see all that gray. Before it really did read as B/W. Lovely!
Nice bag! Maybe I'd be more productive if I cleaned up. Hmmm. Maybe after a little sewing....
Your sampler looks awesome. Enjoy your clean sewing area! I can't wait to see what you create!
I had a bit of a tidy-up this morning and feel inspired too! I love the bag you've made....a great decision to use those fabrics!!
Nothing like a little spring cleaning to get the creative juices going!
Show off!:P You're no longer invited for craft night! Only people who can relate to the Pumpkin Patch chaos can come, LOL!
Love your sampler quilt. The strip of fabrics will look nice on the back. The bag is so cute! And, love that thread drawer although I liked the representation of the before shot too. Looks like noodles. LOL!
Fabric fell out of my cupboard, I think I need to do the same as you. Your strip is going to be great on the back of the quilt and the bag is gorgeous, now you can enjoy the fabrics more.
Your sampler quilt is great. I'm sure the class will be a big hit. That's a really cool bag as well!
Nice, Joanna... love the quilt
Your sampler is looking fantastic! I love the strip for the back, and that bag is pure gorgeousness!!!
Your drawer is pure inspiration!
Olá Joana!
Passei para desejar um lindo final de semana.
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