I have been wanting an inspiration board for my quilt room - you know, a cork board where you can pin up pictures you see in magazines etc that inspire you. My friend Shannon blogged about hers here.
I have been looking around but I didn't want to pay office supply store prices for one. Next I thought of making one. I saw where someone bought squares of cork at the craft store but I didn't like the idea of having multiple pieces of cork. Just one big flat piece was what I wanted.
Then the other day in Savers (one of our local thrift stores) I saw it! It was just sitting there right by the cash register like it had been waiting for me all week to come find it. It was one piece of cork like I wanted, it was large, and best of all it had a frame. So for the sum of $4.99 I got my inspiration board!

Only problem was the grey frame wasn't very inspirational to me.
So today out came my $1 can of oops paint...
...and my ugly grey frame is now a happy hot pink.
I was hoping to have it all done and hanging with pictures on it to show you tonight but the coats of paint are taking forever to dry. I am rather excited though - I already have a little stash of pics to tack up on it. If only the weather was warm instead of snowing (yes seriously folks - it is snowing as I speak) then this paint might dry a little faster.