Rhonda said: "Oh, oh pick me, pick me! I love the pink one." So Rhonda, the pink one, and the 2 girly cuffs are yours:)
And just because I had a poor lonely blue polka dot one left over, I thought I'd get hubby to pull another name. I was hoping it would be someone who actually wanted the blue one, and as the random-pulling-out-of-a-box gods would have it, it was!

Ladies, send me your details asap and I'll get these out to you.
To everyone else, I wish I had 24 to give away - I appreciate so much that you stopped by and took the time to write kind words. Thank you all so much!
Oh, and don't you love that I woke up hubby to pull the names??? Just to make this post quilt-related, there is a quilt on top of him!
Congrats to Rhonda and Sherri...lucky ladies;) it's good to see that your husband likes??? to participate in you quilting adventures LOL.
Hope you and your family have a Great Christmas;)
Well done girls, lovely prizes.
My DH would never allow that picture on my blog, he would have been hidden under the quilt properly! LOL Your DH is a good sport.
Good for them. They both deserve nice things. You are sweet to provide them!
Congrats to the winners. Your husband seems like a good sport! LOL.
Your hubby looks so cosy layiing there all comfy under his quilt! Congrats to your two winners, and Merry Christmas to you!!
Here's a good recipe for a Christmas Pudding Sauce! Mix together equal parts of butter and brown sugar in a pan. Melt together over medium heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add enough cream to make a nice sauce. (say in the case of 50g each butter and sugar about 250ml of cream) Heat until bubbling and then you can add some vanilla or rum flavouring. Spoon over your pudding while still warm. Delicious!
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