It's Valentine's day! Or at least, it will be by the time you read this:) I have had an education in Valentines Day since I've lived in the States. For example, I went shopping this week to buy the requisite goodies for the kids to take to school for their classmates. I had presumed they just gave cards, but I had the niggling feeling to text hubby and ask him if I was supposed to buy candy to go with the cards too. He texted back one word.... "Yes", which I think really meant, "of course you you really think you would give a card without a piece of candy stuck to it??". The kids even bought home written instructions from the teachers on how to do the cards. EG Coleman, who is in Kindergarten, was to only write "From Coleman" and leave the "To" space blank. After teaching in the same class for 20 years, his teacher understands the madness of a class full of 5 year olds trying to read names and get them to the right person in an orderly fashion! The kids came home with big heart shaped bags full of cards and candy. It was sugar-rush central around here at dinnertime!
Anyway, to keep with the heart theme I have some little snippets of a quilt I've been working on to show you. I can't show all yet, as it's in the works of being made into a pattern, but it is quite lovely for the occassion today, and chock-full of hearts...and applique!

When I went down to my quilt room just now to take these photos, there was a light on - most unusual, since I hadn't been in there today. Turns out my daughter had snuck down and made good use of my piles of strips next to my machine... Do you think she's been influenced by all the wonky log cabin blocks I've been making?!

I am still up-to-date with my goal. Have done quite a bit of quilt-related sewing, and also more mundane sewing like stitching up the armhole on hubby's sweater. He was going to throw it away but I rescued it. Does he not realize he's married to a sewer yet?!!
I hope you all have a lovely Valentine's day and eat lots of chocolate, and if you feel like a laugh, head on over to my
other blog to read about our experience roller skating on Thursday night!
Get out the featherweight and set it up for that girl! Love the hearts. Included are hugs from grandma!
I love your quilt...the pinks and browns are great. Congratulations on going once around the rink!! I skated once in my life in junior high. I had gum stuck on my wheel...not a pretty picture. I never skated again.
Happy Valentine's Day to you and your family,
Love the sneak peaks of your new quilt! Also, that is the cutest story of your daughter sneaking down to use the sewing machine!
ooooh, that quilt looks wonderful. Can't wait to see the whole thing!!! Glad to hear you are still on task with the sewing!!! :)
How wonderful that your daughter feels comfortable enough to sit and sew on some strips! So many kids now can't sew at all.
Very cute! I can't wait to see what this is!
Joanna, your applique is lovely! I can hardly wait to see the entire project!
Loving the sneak peaks! It looks fabulous. ooxx`jodi
Hi J, your hearts are adorable;) Good news for you over at Cactus Needle---Congrats. I know you will make good use of it;)
Nice one with the is so nice to see our kids take an interest in what we do..
the hearts look so beautiful...i do love looking at your applique...amazing! congrats on keeping with your goal. totally impressive!
We love your site, and look forward to seeing all of your new projects!! I wanted to let you know that I have a new web site and we added your name to our blog roll! Come check us out sometime!
Hey this is Misty from over at Missouri Star! (Just another one of us crazy quilting bloggers) Just saw your blog for the first time and these are making me want to applique! (I've always been convinced it's beyond my capabilities which I'm told often isn't true...) Sooo cute! Keep up the good work!
oh I love the peak of your new quilt and congrats for starting to publish patterns good for you!
such pretty those warm browns and pinks.
-HELLO! I'm from Costa Rica, your blog is wonderful. Congratulations!. EXCELLENT WORK ...
Your sewing looks like so much fun. The hearts are great with those colors. Wonderful stuff.
I love the colours and the hearts!! It looks to be a beautiful quilt. I had a look at your other page as well and can so relate! I used to ice skate all the time as a girl. I had not been in years and put some skates on about 10 years ago to go skating on the local pond with my son . . . by the time I made it to the pond my ankles were so tired and sore I could not face skating at all and literally almost had to crawl home! Very embarassing!
Hi,I have an award for you..hope u like it..
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