I feel like such an absentee blogger! I keep having the best of intentions and then life gets in the way - like having 2 kids home sick today. Just a small example!
Anyway, I have been working in my little quilt room so will have some fun stuff to show soon, but in the meantime I just had to blog about my friend Brenda.
She is having the BEST giveaway! First off, she is giving away two huge Fat Quarter Bundlse of Red Rooster's Pumpkins & Spice Fabrics by Whimsicals. I was at her house on Saturday night ('till 2 in the morning thank you very much....we love our girly catch-up time!) and I saw these bundles with my own two eyes. They do indeed exist and they are Fab-u-lous! With a capital F! AND if that isn't enough, because her comments for this giveaway have exceeded 350 (I think she's up to about 500 now) she is also giving away - wait for it - a $100 gift certificate to her online shop! Yes you read right, 100 buckaroos. Brenda has very reasonably priced things, so that $100 will get you a lot of goodies from her shop! Like maybe this... or this... or perhaps even this....
So get yourself over to her blog, follow the rules (Brenda is a stickler for rules!!) and you could have the best Thanksgiving ever when a bunch of fabrics and/or patterns/and or Prim goodies arrive on your doorstep via Pumpkin Patch Primitives!!!
(And no she doesn't pay me to say all this great stuff about her - I just happen to know her in real life and know that she's more wonderful than you can possible imagine!)

OOps, I had typos...sorry about that. Just wanted you to know that the check is in the mail, LOL! No, seriously, it really is...I mean, thanks for saying such nice things; I'm blushing here!
Great blog! I enjoyed seeing your paint job, etc. and I posted about the giveaway, too! Have fun quilting...
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