I had no idea about any quilt shops here in Burlington, so I got on my Droid and searched. Sure enough, there were several, but none of them sounded like they had the more modern fabrics I like. So I just picked the one with the best reviews, called Strawberry & Rhubarb, and off we went. It was only a couple of miles down the road, which was even better.
Turns out it was in an outdoor type of strip mall, so I dropped hubby and the kids at Best Buy and I went to the quilt store. As soon as I saw it, I KNEW it was my kind of store! I immediately called hubby and told him that he could take as long as he wanted in Best Buy, because I was in heaven! They ONLY carry modern fabrics, which was just perfect for me!

The teller, who was also the soon-to-be-owner helped me and was so lovely! We had a good long chat, and of course I had to buy some fabric!
Oh, you said you would rather have an artsy-fartsy shot?
When I was done, I asked if I could take some photos, because the store was just so charming, and I knew I wanted to blog about it, and she said of course, so I took out my camera, clicked, and nothing....I had left the memory card back at the hotel in my laptop! Aaargh! Never fear, I pulled out my phone and took photos, but of course they are never as good as a proper camera, but it's all I have.

I really wish I had decent photos so you could see the store in all it's glory - the colors were so gorgeous.
As for the quilting I brought with me to stitch in the hotel at night...well I haven't even touched it! I have been so tired at the end of each day that all I want to do is lie down and do nothing.
Our hotel is great - we got a 2 room suite so we can shut the doors on the kids! Hubby and I slept on the pull out couch in the living area the first night and let the kids have the nice beds in the bedroom, but that sure changed quickly! And we have hardly had to buy any food as the hotel puts on a full cooked breakfast and some nights a complimentary dinner. More money for fabric, I say!
Wah! Wah! I LOVE Vermont...so I'm big time jealous....yeh...jealous of all the quilty goodness going on at your house. AND a clean sewing room!!!!! M-a-r-v-e-l-o-u-s!
Have some extra fun for me!!
I've never been to Vermont but it's on my list. Love the fabrics you chose, how hard to only pick 5 or 6 from the whole store!
You're having way too much fun...and you're missing all the great weather in Nashua! LOL! See you when you come back! B=)
Fun trip! I always leave things behind. I hate that! The shop looks fun. You picked out some great ones.
Ooooo! It looks like a great store!Lucky you to find one and be able to browse w/o the kids.
What's traveling without visiting new quilt shops and indulging in a little stash enhancement.
Out of all of your choices you picked the right store! Glad your having fun on vaycay......but we've missed you at NEMQG.
Thanks for sharing pics of the shoppe. Beautiful!
Thanks for the LQS tip...I'm headed to Vermont this summer and will be sure to add that store to my list!
YAY! Thanks for showing pics of the Vermont shop!
Looks like a good time was had by all!
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