Monday, May 5, 2008

Valori Wells Fabric Frenzy

Saturday was a great mail day! Last week, I think it was Tuesday, I visited the blog of Valori Wells when I saw it updated on my Bloglines subscription list. I started to get excited when I read that she had 18 packs of 8 fat quarters of her new fabric line, Olive Rose, to give away to the first 18 people to email her their snail mail address. I looked at the comments - only 13. I had a chance! But wait, what about the people who just emailed her and didn't leave a comment? And what about the fact that her post was done at 9.44 in the morning and it was now almost 4 in the afternoon here on the east coast? I had to give it a try anyway....and I was victorious! Woo Hoo!!

So here are the goodies I received - bundled up, and then spread out for your viewing pleasure :)
I have already used one of the fabrics, and have grand plans for the rest. It's lovely to work with - such a nice feel to it, obviously good quality quilting cotton. And best of all, the fabric is just perfectly suited to me - if you have looked at my blog then you know I'm not afraid of color - and that my kitchen is orange - so if anyone would be grateful to get orange fabric, it would be moi!

Thank you Valori!!!


Donna said...

YEAH for you. They are beautiful.

Tammy Gilley said...

Oh, you lucky, lucky dog!! :)

Nanette Merrill said...

Lucky you, how nice.

The Vintage Housewife... said...


Jeannette Bruce said...

You are soooo lucky!

SO I'M Anna Fogg, an eclectic kinda gal said...

hmm...and what are your plans? you are more than lucky because you will actually use this fabric. You were a good one to win it. So I am happy for you.

Anonymous said...

Those really are your colors! I can't wait to see what you do with the fabric. I love what you have done to your blog! Especially the ric-rac!

Lisa said...

well, arent you a lucky gal!!!!

Sweet P said...

I got a pack of Valori's fabric too. They are super yummy fabrics. I haven't decided what to make with them yet.

Teresa said...

Congrats! You deserve it!

Marie Rayner said...

Wow! yayyy for you!!! I can't wait to see what you do with them!

Rhonda said...

Good for pays to participate, doesn't it.

MOANA said...

The colors are making me salivate! I am sure you will make something amazing!!

Jennifer Paganelli said...

love that Valori Wells!!