I am doubly excited because Brenda lives in the same town as I do and we have been trying to get together but it just hasn't worked out yet. So now it HAS to work - if she wants her pressie that is...wink wink....
Today I went to visit a bloggie friend, Stacy, who lives in Boston. We have met before, you can read about it here. So the kids and I were super excited to go to her place. It was a great day. A nice easy drive with light traffic, which is amazing in Boston, and even the rain stayed away. We had a yummy lunch and just hung out. She put up with my rambunctious boys and my sweet girl, and made a delicious cherry cake dessert thingy - yum-o!
She also presented me with a gift. She had seen my cupcake appliques I made for my kitchen, and when she was vacationing in Arizona she found me another cupcake for my kitchen!

Tomorrow hubby is doing overtime at work, which normally would be horrible, but I am just thrilled that they are finally offering some overtime again that I will be pushing him out the door! Since rain is forecast, I think the kids and I will cuddle up in bed and watch a bunch of movies we borrowed from the library. I hope you all have a great weekend!
I love the library for "FREE" movies. What a great way to spend the afternoon.
I won! I'm so excited...Thanks for having the drawing. I truly, honestly didn't want anyone else to win but I did do my part in spreading the word so I wouldn't feel too guilty about my "not so generous and sharing thoughts..." and I won, HAHAHAHAHA! I'm so bad! Can't wait to hang it. Oh, we'll be at the Library on Monday!
Congrats so your lucky winner! Way to go Brenda! I love the little cupcake dish! What a thoughtful and cute gift!
Your cupcake is darling. What a great gift. I know Brenda will love her wall hanging. Enjoy your movies. Have a great day!
joanna, still recovering....sleeping in, staying offline, ugh, can't believe I missed commenting!! so sorry I didn't but big congrats to you for 100 posts! got a new digi cam, going to get my butt in gear soon. LOVE your smart, sassy cabinet, so 'us', right?! you are the smartest! seriously....you haven't texted....going to get those books also, much love, miss you,
Ok that cupcake is so darling. I love it. It would be a perfect gift for my neighbor. Congrats to Brenda.
Congrats to Brenda...so cool you got to go and visit Stacy in Boston. That would be so much fun! Lucky you!!!
That's a cute cupcake. What a great gift.
What a lovely gift! Cupcakes always look good in a number if items. I saw a cupcake teapot on our TV yesterday, it was so cute.
I am in the UK by the way.
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