She had got it from a thrift store (DI for you UT locals!) for the princely sum of...
and I carted it all the way back to New Hampshire on the plane. I rediscovered it yesterday while cleaning and thought hmmmm I really should do something with that!
I fell in love with wool applique last year after doing a round robin with some quilty friends, (click HERE, HERE and HERE to see 3 of the tops from our group) and think some wool applique would look fabulous in the frame. Though don't you even think that frame is going to stay that color. I love the magic spray paint can bring to old ugly frames:)
I've decided on a simple scene of a house with two trees (just like our house!) and will of course fancy it up with embroidered and beaded flowers, birds, and anything else that strikes my fancy as I work on it.
I folded some wool just to get an idea of placement and sizes...
I'm not lovin' that...why not a crazy backhround and THEN a house on top? Remind me to show you YOUR wool crazy piece when you come over. =)
and remind me to send Brenda's wool crazy piece back to her! whatever you do with that house/tree scene, it will be wonderful!
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