Once again I have been lazy at posting. I have been running around like a headless chook with all the bus 'stuff'. It all came to a head yesterday when I realised that my family life is suffering and I did something I didn't think I would do - I quit! It was a very hard decision, and I was teary all day trying to decide, but I feel really good about it, and today was a very good day!
My written licence is still good for 6 months, so the option is still there to continue if I wish. But for now I am just going to enjoy the time with my family and make quilts! Yay!!!

So today I have dug up some old photos to show you. These are blocks made for a row by row quilt I did about 5 years ago with an Australian and NZ based internet group. These blocks have been around the world and back! I made the ones in the first photo - I used a pattern my Mother-in-law, Carmen, had drawn, using a real leaf from the park next to where her quilt group meets! My instructions to the group were to make them in unusual colors, "different" combinations, and to use fabrics they didn't think would go together! The title and theme for my rows was to be "Not Your Typical Autumn Leaves". I think the ladies did a great job and I love what I received. I am now thinking, (5 years later) especially with fall here, that it might be time to do something with them all.
And now my question to you all is, what shall I do with them?!! What would YOU do? A quilt? A big one? Break them up and use my very fav ones in a wallhanging? Pillows? Any suggestions gladly welcomed!!
These blocks are so yummy I just want to dive right in! You can't not make them into a quilt, it would be such a special quilt. Of course your blocks are the most inviting, you just have a knack with color that is hard to imitate!
Hi Joanna! I remember you from PrimFolkApplique. I'm glad to see you are a blogger now. I've added you to my bloglines so I can come back and see what you are up to! I'd like to invite you to my blog. Right now most of my posts are about my daughter, Joanna, who is having twins. I do regularly post about quilting though.
Hi Joanna,
I am a leaf nut, so I would definitely make these into a quilt! How about setting the blocks on point? Another thing you might want to try is while they're still small blocks, do some free motion embroidery inside each leaf to add vein lines. Just a thought!
I love trees, and leaves too. The ones you made a really lovely. I suggest that you use a solid color and make sashing. Then add a border, too to make the quilt large enough for maybe a lap size? You could even add a few leaves on the border, possibly?
What wonderful colors!
I have been so inspired by visiting blogs and seeing how others embrace color!
You amaze me with your talent , excellent choice of color you make it look so easy. Jennifer
I love all those botanical patterns, and I'd choose a solid colour sashing to make a quilt to snuggle in on colder evenings, perhaps you have still some scraps of the prints for cornerstones.
You make lovely things! Thank you for your visit to my blog,and your comment too.I will visit often!
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