The most fun part was the letter S I put on the vase. When you applique, you usually applique the pieces from the back to the front. It just works out best that way! But this circle and letter S were done the opposite - front to back. I appliqued the S to the circle, and then the circle to the vase. Normally I would applique the circle to the vase first, but doing it this way helped to have the letter S centered much better.
It worked out beautifully doing it that way, and doing it opposite to how I usually would, made it interesting and fun!
Now I get to quilt it and finish it all up. And what do you think the letter S stands for? Spring of course!
Great work! Sometimes it is better/easier to do things in a different way.
I am a newcomer to all this quilting and needlework, can I ask how you display this in a quilt?
So gorgeous! I LOVE I challenge you to do one for winter, summer and fall...keep the same vase, change the contents. ~a
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