At 9.30 tonight I thought I'd go start quilting my sampler sandwich
, hoping to make some decent progress, maybe even half way done within a couple of hours. I started the actual quilting at 9.45. I decided to do a simple stipple as I want to wash and dry the quilt and make it all wrinkly, and stippling helps achieve that result rather nicely!
At 10.35 I was finished. I could not believe it and had to double check the time. Wow I forgot how fast stippling is compared to my usual concentric circles! I even had time to cut, sew together, and iron in half my binding. So now I am all ready to get the binding on tomorrow and get this thing done done DONE! In the meantime, here's a photo of part of the quilt, with the miles of binding thrown in a heap on top. 'Cause I'm fancy like that...

And then 5 seconds after I took that photo, the cat walked in and plopped himself on top. Cats and quilts - gotta love 'em!

Little update - it's now 10 minutes later and I glance over at the quilt and see the black cat (Mittens) hiding under that bit sticking up. I thought what a silly cat...then our white cat (Scotchie) walks by and Mittens jumps out and attacks him! Poor Scotchie was scared to death! I guess Mittens wasn't so silly after all. He knows what quilts are good for! They play fight like this every night at this time. It's rather entertaining. I'm just glad I had my camera next to me!
Wow, your machine must have run very fast! Love the binding (one of my all time favorite KF fabrics). Looking forward to seeing the whole quilt tomorrow.
This post made me smile!
Gotta love those cats!
Great work on the quilting.
Aren't cats hilarious? Love the quilt, gorgeous colours and quilting. xo
Mittens reminds me so much of our old cat Sophie - she used to snuggle under a quilt when I was binding - they are so funny.
Love your quilt but don't know how you can face starting to quilt at that time of night!
Love your quilt and the antics of the cat. I really want to FMQ but I am just not able to get it yet. I will keep on trying though.
Gorgeous looking quilt...I love the green fabric!
Aren't those pics of the cats funny! Great timing with your camera!
You're quilting it already? But I only have two blocks!!! Help!
OMG!!! I sound like Eliza-Jane and Nadia...Ok, first off, you make me sick. But since I love you, I can't get too sick...I have a quilt to baste and quilt tomorrow, I had no idea that stippling would make it go SO super fast. Love the kitties too.
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