Friday, May 13, 2011

Bloggers' Quilt Festival

Amy's Creative Side
It's Quilt Festival time again, and this Spring it's being held in Salt Lake City, Utah. It's making me a little homesick, wishing I could be back in the place I called home for 7 years, and enjoying all the festival has to offer with my friend Brenda who is there as we speak! (Major envy going on, can't you tell?!)

But for those of us who can't be there, Amy from Amy's Creative Side is doing her regular Bloggers' Quilt Festival instead - a virtual quilt fest for those of us still at home!

This time around I'm going to share one of my most favorite recent quilts. After doing a lot of modern folk art floral type of quilts, I felt like a change of pace, so I created something with clean and simple lines.

I added some machine pieced veins to the leaves before needleturn appliqueing them down, then added more veining with the quilting.

I almost messed it all up - instead of making bias tape and appliqueing the green wiggly lines on to the red, I thought it would be fun to try piecing them instead! So piece I did, and wow talk about bad! The quilt top was of course quite a bit more wavy than I had hoped for, but with some careful snipping, steaming, and holding my tongue the right way, I managed to get it fairly flat, and then quilted the heck out of it with some intense echo quilting. Who knew the saying, "Don't worry - it'll quilt out" is really true?!

It is now hanging in the entry of our living room where it matches our red leather couches and celery green walls.

Enjoy the Bloggers' Quilt Festival and visit as many of the participants as you can!


Cecily said...

I love it! Such a beautiful wall hanging!

Three Mennonite Quilting Sisters said...

And I love it too. The simplicity of the lines is great The green leaves against the red fabric give it a vibrant touch. Great job! --Julia

Victoria said...

Very pretty!

Venus de Hilo said...

I love this! Absolutely stunning. Worth wrestling it into shape.

Sabine said...

This is fantastic! Love the reduced look and the intense colours. Thanks for sharing.

What Comes Next? said...

love this!

Oops-Lah said...

Absolutely stunning!

Rachaeldaisy said...


Anne at Film and Thread said...

This is so lovely. The colors are beautiful and rich and the design is so pleasing.

Lynn said...

Simple yet so effective. Beautiful!

Sara said...

Nice wall hanging:) Loving the red background!

Karen said...

Great design & colours. Its looks fabulous hanging on your wall.

Eileen said...

What a cool idea. Love this little quilt with it's neat leaves. Great! Thanks for sharing and have a great day

Debbie said...

Darling little quilt!

stitchinpenny said...

What a great and beautiful quilt. The colors are so nice - I love it.

Melinda said...

Ahhhh, there's something to be said for simplicity! But you can still see there is a lot of work in it. Lovely!

Karen said...

What a great idea. Beautiful work. Love the colours. It looks great hanging on the wall!

Marg said...

It's stunning, I love the colours and the quilting details.

Quilt+Bitch said...

This is so pretty and lovely.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

very neat...I like it

Anonymous said...

Really wonderful! I love the simplicity of design and the colors - and who can resist leaves? :)

Janet said...

I love the leaves - and red is one of my favourite colours in a quilt. You must really enjoy looking at this every day.

Sarcastic Quilter said...

I think it turned out great and I love seeing it on the wall.

Pattilou said...

A super nice addition to your wall. The colors and patterns work together in such simplicity that the quilt makes a strong statement.

I live close to Salt Lake and missed the show too--darn it!

Unknown said...

What gorgeous quilting. The red really pops!

Sandra said...

I live in Utah too and couldn't attend so I feel your pain.
What a simply lovely quilt. I'm glad you held your tongue just right until the quilt submitted and conformed to your desires. Kudos
Come see my entries, #210 repro cheddar stars and #214 antique applique-quilted joy
Sandra - Utah Quilt Appraiser

Stephanie Hughes said...

This is beautiful! I just love it.

verykerryberry said...

I love the cleanness of this, beautiful

A Creative Life said...

its lovely! love the way you have done the leaves.