I found this old wooden iron at a garage sale recently...
I couldn't resist - I love buying sewing related decor items, and it was only $1. I brought it home and upon closer inspection I saw the following stamped on the the 'sole plate' of the iron...
In other news, since I've been sick in bed for the last 24 hours, I've had time to play around with some design programs I have and made a new header for my blog! I know most of you are reading this through a blog reader, so just take a second to click HERE and go see my blog in person and see the new and improved header. SO much better I think. After 3 years it was definitely time for an update!
I hope you're feeling better very soon!
Sure does look like your iron was made by an inmate! We have a pair of rocking chairs that were made at a prison in Georgia around 1960. They are great chairs, but I love the story behind them even more!
Love the new banner!! Hubby does prison pharmacy inspection for a private company...he says crafts like that are sold all the time..
Great new header!
Your new banner is fantastic! Hope you recover from your cold soon.
Poor you...if I was your next door neighbor, I'd bring you some chicken soup with homemade noodles and spearmint/hibiscus tea with lemon. I read your blog in the real world, I even have a permanently pinned tab just for you across my desktop. ~a
I love the new blog header, and just FYI...I always open the posts to the full page in blogger because I want to see the header and the entire page. It helps me remember the people I follow and gives me more of a visual to remember them by. I will remember your bowl of oranges for sure! Love them!
Lovely new look.
Love your new header! The wooden iron was a great buy.
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